Some of our funniest moments in travel have come from -- uh-hem -- using the bathroom. Figuring out how to flush a toilet, turn the lights on, or finding the magic trick to get water from a sink faucet has sent us screeching with giggles from European bathrooms on more than one occasion.
Like our trip to Naples, Italy. After a 12-hour flight, we checked into our hotel. I got us settled in, while hubs took a shower. I hear the water running. (Progress!) Then, the phone rings.
Me: Uh, hello. I mean, pronto.
Man On The Other End: Senora, tutti bene?
Me: Uh, ci. Parla Englese?
Man On The Other End: Poco. You pulled the rope.
Me: Rope?
Did he dial the wrong room? Was this some kind of Italian metaphor that I was unaware of?
Man On The Other End: Senora, you fall?
Fall? Oh no! No, no, no! He didn't! Did he?
Me: Mi dispiace, senore. No fall. Tutti bene. Mi dispiace!!
Man On The Other End: Do not pull the rope, senora. It is for emergencies! Only!
Me: Ok. Ci, ci. Grazie.
Knock, knock.
Me: Babe, did you pull the chord in the shower?
Hubs: You mean the clothes line? It's broken! We need to tell the front desk.
Me: BABE! That's NOT a clothes line! It's an emergency chord.
Hubs: A what?
Me: An emergency chord. If you fall and hurt yourself in the shower, you can pull the chord to get help. Seriously! You've never seen an emergency pull chord in a hotel shower before?
Hubs: No, I thought it was a clothes line. How did you know I pulled it?
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